
WIC CAPITAL is an investment fund that invests in companies founded or managed by women in the growth phase in Senegal and Ivory Coast.

The opportunity

Gender gap issues cost sub-Saharan Africa an estimated US$95 billion each year.
Women invest 90% of their income in education, health and food for their family, compared to 30 to 40% for men.

Sources: UNDP (2016); Sneeringer (2017); McKinsey (2017); McMaster University (2013)

Women entrepreneurship still represents a vast untapped source of job creation and economic growth as there are only 31.3% women entrepreneurs, who generally operate on a small scale.
Companies in the top quartile in terms of female representation on executive committees have an EBIT 14% higher than the average.
43.9% of women entrepreneurs who borrow money do so from their relatives; banks and microfinance institutions only benefit 3.5% of women entrepreneurs.
Women, especially those living in rural areas, are more reliable than men when it comes to repaying their debts.

Sources: UNDP (2016); Sneeringer (2017); McKinsey (2017); McMaster University (2013)

The weight of SMEs in Senegal

Total jobs
Added value

Source: ANSD general business census published in 2016

The WIC CAPITAL advantage

WIC Capital is strengthened by the 120+ women members of WIC SENEGAL and WIC Côte d’Ivoire, as well as by the WIC Academy, the technical assistance structure of WIC, which aims to reduce risks and strengthen return on investment.

WIC members come from diverse backgrounds and offer their expertise and market insight to the fund manager throughout the investment process.
WIC Academy is a structure dedicated to strengthening the capacities of women entrepreneurs in Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire. It facilitates the origination of women-led businesses that are ready to receive private investment. It offers personalized support to beneficiaries: strategy and management consulting, a shared service center, coaching and mentoring, peer networking, etc.

Investment Strategy

Investment Portfolio
  • Investment period: 5 years
  • Investment note: 50 million XOF to 600 million XOF (~ 100,000 EUR to 1,000,000 EUR).
  • Average holding period: 6 years
Investment Criteria
  • Profitability
  • Social impact
  • Job creation
  • Contribution to the development of a value chain
Technical Support

The active participation of WIC members and the establishment of WIC ACADEMY reduce risks and provide solid returns on investments.
