Month: September 2024

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WIC Capital invests in sustainable carpentry company in Côte d’Ivoire

Gender Smart | September 10, 2024 WIC Capital invests in sustainable carpentry company in Côte d’Ivoire Jessica Pothering Credit: Wood Packaging Industry WIC Capital backed Wood Packaging Industry, which uses sustainably sourced wood for locally-made pallets for moving goods and shipping. Wood Packaging Industry company supports Côte d’Ivoire’s need for pallets as…
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WIC Capital investit dans Wood Packaging Industry pour soutenir l’industrie de la menuiserie durable en Côte d’Ivoire

WIC Gestion, gestionnaire du fonds WIC Capital, est heureux d’annoncer son premier investissement en Côte d’Ivoire avec Wood Packaging Industry (WPI), une entreprise ivoirienne, de menuiserie industrielle fondée en 2018 et située à Grand-Bassam. Spécialisée dans la production innovante de palettes en bois et produits dérivés de menuiserie, WPI joue…
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Aruwa and WIC Capital re-up investments in ventures supporting Africa’s female farmers

Nigeria-based Aruwa Capital Management is supporting the livelihoods and financial inclusion of female hibiscus farmers with a follow-on investment in agricultural processor AgroEknor. Women make up about 40% of Africa’s agricultural workforce. AgroEknor, which works with 3,000 smallholder farmers in Nigeria and Ghana, processes hibiscus flowers for the international market.…
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